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All the original material on this site is Copyright Kevin Scott 2011. All rights are reserved. For private study and for educational purposes within the Christian Church, the material may be reproduced in hard copy provided no charge is made for it. Works included here which are not written by Kevin Scott are in the public domain. Short quotations have been made from other authors. Where possible, written or verbal permission has been obtained. Use the email address you will find on an image on this page to contact the author on any copyright enquiry. Thank you
Meet the Author:
The Revd Dr Kevin F Scott, MA(Cantab), D.Phil.(Oxon) MInstP, MRSC, FRMetS, C.Chem., C.Sci.

Kevin Scott is an Anglican priest ordained in the diocese of Oxford, past Rector of St Peter's Episcopal
Church, Musselburgh, Priest-in-charge of St Andrew's, Prestonpans, past Rector of St Philip & St James',
Edinburgh. He is also a scientist and presently Principal Director of Meteormetrics Limited, a small scientific instrument company.
Kevin Scott writes, “
This website represents work in progress. It is somewhat experimental and is intended to form a kind of desktop upon which theological thinking can take place. Inevitably it is geared to my own interests and designed to enable the publication of considerations which centre on the Christian Gospel in Space and Time. Christian truth
is located in events - God wrought events - which took place in specific locations at particular times. And
every one of them, especially those belonging to the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, summoned
the attention of witnesses, often astonishing them, making them to think and rethink, inspiring their
understanding, and finally summoning their allegiance, loyalty and devotion to their Author. This is how Christianity grows
and progressively fills time and space with its story. The witness of the Apostles and the testimony and insights
of Christians of past generations is an ever growing asset which requires ever greater scholarship to embrace
and comprehend. This website is intended to be a contribution to this task - albeit a microscopic one.
The site will grow slowly. Pages from clickable placenames and the drop-down menus will be supplemented in content as work progresses. This will draw on
theological discussion, historical, archaeological and geographical material for which I am grateful to many colleagues and authors.
In so far as possible, where they are quoted, they will be referenced.
I will try to keep errors at a minimum, but when they occur, they are mine entirely. The site is offered without
warranty, but with the hope that it may prove useful here and there.